DeliDog By Lantz

An exclusive reinterpretation of the classic French hotdog, crafted with passion for flavor and quality by Frank Lantz.

In 2010, DeliDog By Lantz was introduced as a gourmet experience that elevated street food to new heights. With a focus on carefully selected ingredients and indulgent flavor combinations, this luxurious hotdog was designed to blend convenience with culinary innovation.

The Concept Behind DeliDog By Lantz
At the heart of the DeliDog concept was the idea of offering a French hotdog that could be customized with unique flavor pairings and premium ingredients.

  • 1 Gourmet Sausage: Specially developed to ensure the perfect balance of texture and flavor.

  • 4 Variants of Freshly Baked Bread:

    • Rosemary

    • Spelt

    • Durum

    • Rustic

  • 4 Signature Dressings by Frank Lantz:

    • Dressing No. 1: Lantz Classic
      A creamy combination of oil, thyme, lemon, and mayonnaise.

    • Dressing No. 2: Lantz Mustard
      An elegant blend of Dijon mustard, herbs, and mayonnaise.

    • Dressing No. 3: Lantz Tomato
      A flavorful fusion of tomato, basil, mayonnaise, and l’esplanette.

    • Dressing No. 4: Lantz Herb Dressing
      A fresh and complex mix of pickled cucumbers, capers, onions, and fennel.

The Purpose of DeliDog By Lantz
The aim of DeliDog was to bring restaurant-quality flavors to a classic snack that could be enjoyed on the go. It catered to those who sought something beyond the ordinary. This concept demonstrated how even simple dishes could become gourmet experiences with the right approach to ingredients and preparation.

Relevance Today
DeliDog By Lantz was more than just a hotdog—it was a culinary journey that showcased how fast food could transform into gourmet dining. It’s a testament to Frank Lantz’s dedication to bringing the best of gastronomy to everyone, whether in a fine dining setting or a grab-and-go kiosk.


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DeliBag for 7/11